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ATHENA Cylinder Kit - Ø50mm Kawasaki KX65 P400250100007
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ATHENA Cylinder Kit - Ø50mm Kawasaki KX65 P400250100007

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537,94 €
625,51 €
Impostos inclosos
Estado de los stocks: Molt baix
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 Tipus de peça: 

Les comandes realitzades abans de les 15:30h generalment són empaquetades i lliurades al transportista en les següents 24h. (excepte cap de setmana i festius)
L'entrega definitiva al seu domicili depèn de la vostra ubicació.

Whatever the level of tuning of your machine, you will find the Athena cylinder kit that suits you. Standard or big bore, these complete kits provide you performance and reliability. You will find below some of the technical solutions adopted by these high quality products:

  • Aluminum cylinder nickel-carbide treated
  • Special design increasing cooling liquid volume
  • High performance exhaust valves
  • Bronze dome head
  • Forged piston, skirts coated with molybdenum disulfide treatment
  • Spare Parts : Piston 9241DA

Delivered with piston, piston rings, circlips, axis, seal and in some cases, cylinder head and exhaust valves. Pistons, rings and gaskets are also available as spare parts.

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