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Bufanda escape FRESCO Raw - Acero FRTCR125KT1115R
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Bufanda escape FRESC Raw - Acer FRTCR125KT1115R

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Sense estoc avui
254,86 €
302,50 €
Impostos inclosos
Estado de los stocks: Esgotat avui
Esgotat avui
 Tipus de peça: 
Escapaments - Silenciadors


The Raw expansion is made of thick sheet steel. This feature provides greater protection in the most exposed parts to damage and maintains a good sound to the exhaust system.

  • Optimized development to reduce bulk and keep the expansion pipe very close around the engine.
  • For the Enduro version, the expansion softens the engine output without penalizing the maximum power.
  • Compatible with the original silencer.
Tipus de peça
Escapaments - Silenciadors
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