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Rueda delantera completa HAAN WHEELS - 21x1,60x36T ​135319/3/10/3/10
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Roda davantera completa HAAN WHEELS - 21x1,60x36T 135319/3/10/3/10

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Models de moto compatibles amb aquest producte

(marca, model, any)
639,55 €
639,99 €
Impostos inclosos
Estado de los stocks: Molt baix
Només en queda un
 Tipus de peça: 
Rodes i accessoris

Les comandes realitzades abans de les 15:30h generalment són empaquetades i lliurades al transportista en les següents 24h. (excepte cap de setmana i festius)
L'entrega definitiva al seu domicili depèn de la vostra ubicació.

Haan Wheels produces complete wheels for the most popular offroad models. All these wheels are built with the best quality parts available. Haan Wheels has helped more than 35 riders to get their world championship titles and currently more than 50% of the field in world championship racing is using their products.

  • Excel Rim in 7000 aluminium, made in Japan
  • Hub made of 1 piece billet 6082 aluminium
  • Completed with Koyo bearings
  • Most rear hubs have 3 bearing instead of 2
  • Centertube and spacers made of 7075 aluminium
  • 32 or 36 spokes, depending the application, in a special stainless steel, 30% stronger then OEM
  • Handbuild
  • Delivered mounted and balanced, with required disc/sprocket screws
  • Available in many colors

Tipus de peça
Rodes i accessoris
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