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TWIN AIR Oil Radiator and Oil Filter - Kawasaki KX450 160416
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TWIN AIR Oil Radiator and Oil Filter - Kawasaki KX450 160416

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350,59 €
399,53 €
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 Tipus de peça: 
Filtres Aire - Oli

Les comandes realitzades abans de les 15:30h generalment són empaquetades i lliurades al transportista en les següents 24h. (excepte cap de setmana i festius)
L'entrega definitiva al seu domicili depèn de la vostra ubicació.

By dramatically lowering the temperature of the oil–and your water temp accordingly–Twin Air’s patented oil cooler can keep your rides–and your engine–at peak performance longer.

Twin Air’s solution is a revolutionary improvement. Unlike traditional coolant-based approaches that tap into the water cooling system, Twin Air’s design is the first air-cooled driven solution. From a mounting panel behind the radiator, flexible hoses circulate oil to a unique, tubular cooling grill designed to maximize heat exchange.

The Twin Air Oil Cooler kit includes everything you need-heat exchanger, mounting hardware, oil filter, oil filter cap, hoses, clamps and step-by-step instructions.

Tipus de peça
Filtres Aire - Oli
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