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Latiguillo de embrague VENHILL KTM / Husqvarna K01-3-027/P/BLACK
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Fuetó d'embragatge VENHILL KTM / Husqvarna K01-3-027/P/BLACK

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Sense estoc avui
50,18 €
54,99 €
Descompte adicional al afegir-lo a la cistella (+info)
Impostos inclosos
Estado de los stocks: Esgotat avui
Esgotat avui
 Tipus de peça: 
Cables Embragatge - Gas


All Venhill motorcycle hoses are built to meet or exceed DOT and TUV requirements, and factory tested to 1500psi.

  • Smooth bore DuPont PTFE hosing for heat resistance
  • Marine grade stainless braiding to help eliminate expansion
  • Dome-headed banjo bolts and 303 stainless steel swivel unions allow perfect, twist-free alignment every time
Tipus de peça
Cables Embragatge - Gas
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