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Powerbomb Header Stainless Steel Honda FMF 041115
Powerbomb Header Stainless Steel Honda FMF 041115
Powerbomb Header Stainless Steel Honda FMF 041115
Powerbomb Header Stainless Steel Honda FMF 041115
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Powerbomb Header Stainless Steel Honda FMF 041115

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 Type of part: 
Exhaust - Mufflers

Powerbomb Header Stainless Steel Honda FMF 041115
PowerBomb Header

  • Utilize FMF's patented module precisely located at the initial stage of the header
  • Position "Bomb" increases performance; horsepower is increased as much as 10%
  • Act as "pre-muffler" helping to lower the decibel output
  • The expansion and contraction of exhaust sonics through the system causes increased flow

  • Type of part
    Exhaust - Mufflers
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