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Kit Tornillería de Plásticos BOLT inox Honda CRF 250 / 450R HON-PFK2
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BOLT stainless steel plastic hardware kit for Honda CRF 250 / 450R HON-PFK2

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Stock status: Very low
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 Type of part: 
Nuts - Bolts

Orders placed before 3:30 p.m. are generally packaged and delivered to the carrier within 24 hours. (except weekends and holidays)
Final delivery to your home depends on your location.

Made in the USA, BOLT bolts and screws set the worldwide standard for this type of product. These kits of bolts and screws reproduce the characteristics of the original equipment, with a perfect quality of build and finish.

  • Screw set for plastics
  • Includes all the screws, spacers and washers required to install the plastics

Type of part
Nuts - Bolts
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