Find Products

In Mxtotal you have several ways to locate the products you need:

Top menu:> From the top menu you have direct access to all the main product categories.

Web search engine: If you know the product reference or a keyword that defines it, the search engine at the top of the web is the fastest way to find a specific product.

Once you access the different categories, due to the large number of products that some have, it is advisable to use the available filters to further adjust the result to your needs.

If you use your mobile to browse Mxtotal, click on the FILTERS button inside each section so you don't have to go through so many pages.

  We strive every day to keep products up to date and that includes photos of them, but we still have some products that use a generic image.

Before buying a product, assess if it is the one you are looking for, taking into account first the name of the product, then for which motorcycle it is valid and finally use the photo to understand the main characteristics of the product.

In Mxtotal it is very easy to find the correct part for your motorcycle.

The first thing you have to do is look for your motorcycle model, selecting the make, model and year of it.

Once you locate it, all the products that appear there are for your motorcycle.

To find your motorcycle, you can do it from the top menu, in MOTO -> Select your motorcycle model and then you click on the brand, and the model.

You can also find it quickly using our specific motorcycle search engine, which is on the cover and then in the top menu.

When you have opened the page of your motorcycle, you will see that in some models there are many parts, so we recommend that you use the specific filters that will allow you to see only those products that interest you.

In some sections of Mxtotal, especially in the clothing and equipment part, the products that, for example, are available in different sizes, appear with the same photo in the list, which can cause a little confusion.

Our recommendation is that you use the filters at the top to show only those products that correspond to your size, so that you only see one model of each and it is easier for you to compare.

Keep in mind that there are several parts and spare parts that are not specific to a single motorcycle, but are usually compatible with most of them.

We are referring to, for example, the grips, tires, some handlebars, handguards, chains, etc.

All this type of piece, we call it "generic accessories" and you can find them in a specific section, accessing directly from the menu.

If the product you are looking for is not on the page of your motorcycle, or in generic accessories, then we cannot provide or search for it.

If, on the other hand, the product does not appear anywhere, but you see that we have spare parts of the same brand for other motorcycle models and you know for sure that it is also manufactured for yours, please send us an email notifying of the failure. Surely it has slipped us and we have not published it by mistake.

Every day we are improving the names and descriptions of the products, but we still have some untranslated.

Manufacturers usually pass us the information only in his language and many times with incomplete or abbreviated text, so we have a lot of work to translate each product into the 5 languages of the store.

We ask you please to have a little patience, but if you need the product and you are not sure if it is the one you are looking for, do not hesitate to contact us, although most of the time the photo is of the real product, so it will be relatively easy to identify.

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